Monday 14 February 2011

Want to stop eating compulsively? - 5 easy steps here

It has been reported that one in two individuals who seek out help for their overeating issues suffer with eating compulsively. It is a devastating issue that takes over the life of the sufferer.

Eating compulsively can take over your life & ruin your relationships, demolish your career & kill your self esteem. The obsession to eat compulsively can be so strong that no amount of willpower can break it. There's, however things that you can do immediately to cease eating compulsively & start to experience freedom from compulsive overeating.

Compulsive binge eating is can be loosely defined as eating that is out of control & where the person feels that they can't cease. There's also lots of obsessive thoughts about food, weight & the next compulsive eating episode.

Do you eat compulsively?

Here are the top 5 secrets to cease eating compulsively & accomplish freedom from obsession around food:

Those who suffer with the compulsion to overeat also  often do it in secret, eat beyond the point of hunger & deal with excessive feelings of guilt & disgrace after each episode.

1. Pick food that you like, as against "diet" food & low calorie options, as these will always lead to feeling of deprivation & trigger an overeating episode.

2. Eat regular meals & avoid getting  hungry to the point that you are unable to make rational choices. Have balanced meals on a regular basis so that your body is not thrown in to starvation mode

3. Find a support group or another avenue to speak about what you are going through. You are not the only person with compulsive eating disorder, although it may feel like it. Being able to share your thoughts & feelings with others who have similar experiences is transformation & therapeutic.

4. Take the focus off dieting & excessive meal planning. This only fuels the obsession to eat & triggers compulsive overeating.

5. Have some alternative behaviors that you can turn to when the urge to eat compulsively overcomes you. Some suggestions include taking a walk, calling another person, listening to uplifting music, doing a guided meditation. Do anything that is self soothing & distracting.

There's certain & proven ways to cease eating compulsively & over time to prevent them from occurring at all. It is important to always focus on the solution for compulsive eating disorder treatment & avoid isolation. Talk to others, seek help wherever you can & take positive action.

Treatment for compulsive overeating disorder may be slow sometimes, but it is effective as long as you utilize all of the tools that you have at your disposal.

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